Wednesday 21 April 2010

The veil

A veil is in front of my eyes,
catching, alluring, enthralling yet unbound ties
silvery velvety sheath
the one I never want to bequeath.

Facing the veil's face
a shiver runs through always
leaving me completely fazed
beyond its boundary
there exists nothing for me
every moment, I drink its appearance
my eyes don't see past its existence.

A veil is in front of my eyes,
any morose thought is killed and dies.

A veil is in front of my eyes,
'I am happy living with it' are my cries.

Eyeing the veil's eyes
Lost in their confines
their depths, their smiles
the feeling is divine
My mind stores away
every small tweak and craves
as much as it can take away.

A veil is in front of my eyes,
Never to part,
want to bind it with eternal ties.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Entwined lives

Has anyone ever pondered why we meet certain people at certain point of time in out lives? The first contact with them does not even give us a clue about our future attachment. As they enter into the realms of our lives, we feel a connection, a bond from may be another lifetime. Though we hardly know them, we in our hearts come to know that they are important, that they can change our lives making it turn to a better way, that they will leave an everlasting impact on us.

The lives that are entwined, however hard you try to separate them, they never do. The bond may not last a lifetime but for whatever period of time it there, it is sweet and memorable.