Thursday 18 February 2010

Childhood Inspirations

Every one of us has had people who had inspired us in our childhood. There is actually no need for us to know the people who inspire us and neither is it required that they be famous personalities. They can be people with whom we spend most of our time or they can be perfect strangers.

In my childhood, the one thing that I was not good at and may be still I might not have achieved the expertise, was writing and speaking in fluent English. But the sad part was I didn’t even bother. But then I came face to face with my dear beloved elder sister’s (Pallavi) ability to converse and write. I was stumped and she unknowingly inspired me to learn the language.

There was this one friend (Nachiketa Das) in my school who had silky smooth abilities when it came to the language. Watching him in the class made me like English. He might have guessed himself the effects he had on the students in the class. The most surprising part was that he was quite well versed even when compared to the teachers. Up till then, the language was an unknown quantity to me but after these two people, I was fascinated with it, it became an enigma for me.

I later strived to learn it, to achieve a niche level. It helped me in a way, I had never thought possible as in today’s era; English is the most widely used language for communication. The fascination still has remained with me. I want to unravel its mysteries and know it inside out. These two people have done me a big favour and I am eternally grateful to them.

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