Friday 12 March 2010

Peek Inside

These eyes, they see everything, they take in all, observe every single tiny occurrence and store it somewhere in the recesses of our mind.

People, expressions, conversations, small nooks and places, hidden intentions and basic natures. They learn, they perceive, they understand and they relive.

They see everything but themselves. They help us create a mental picture. But do they help us see ourselves?

I wondered how I can see myself as objectively and as wonderingly as I see other things. Knowing our self to the core, seeing our flaws and at the same time, reveling in our finer points is the very essence of living in our own skins.

Close your eyes and peek inside, experience every breath you take, every pulse and every heartbeat, relive every sweet memory you treasured and spend time with the person who is you.

Know thyself and live to the hilt!

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