Monday 21 May 2012

The charm of children’s conversations

A few days back, me and my husband, we were sitting in the tranquil and peaceful aura of Gajanan Maharaj’s temple just across our society’s entrance. The statue of the deity is majestic and it’s presence fills the temple with serenity. There was complete silence and it felt soothing away from the hustle and bustle of life.

Not far away from us, a father sat with his daughter, the daughter being probably one or two months old. Even the temple’s atmosphere had influenced the child and she lay there very quietly staring here and there. Just behind them, sat a mother with her two or three year old daughter. The mother was trying very hard to make her daughter sit quietly, but the girl was playful and quite restless. After another try, the mother let her daughter wander around the temple premises, while she herself offered her prayers in peace.

The girl moved around the place looking at different things and may be understanding them with her child’s mind. She was the image of innocence and curiosity of a child. Once in a few moments, when she would discover something interesting or she wanted to question something, she would shout for her mother. Her voice reverberated due to the complete lack of sound and her mother again would ask her to be quiet. After exploring everything she thought worth, she was attracted towards the little child who lay in front of her father.

Very slowly, as if not to alarm the little girl, she moved towards her. She sat down on her knees beside her and stared. The little girl beamed and showed some activity leaving her previous quiet and still state behind. To me, it looked like they were having a conversation albeit a silent one but nonetheless a conversation. The girl ran towards her mother, excitement flushing her cheeks and relayed whatever had taken place. She was not able to be still, kept dancing around her mother. She pointed her finger towards the little child and asked her mother her name. I had a huge smile on my face that instant. It is so natural for the children to think that their mothers know everything. Her mother told her to ask the little child herself.

Meanwhile, the little child kept moving and looking everywhere as if she already missed the presence of the girl. The girl bent low again towards the little girl and asked her name. The little child seemed to understand the question and started making gurgling noise from her throat. Of course, the girl didn’t understand but she was content with playing with her. The girl kept saying something and the little child told her story with her noises and expressions.

My attention had been riveted by the two children talking together. They were having a conversation in a language unknown to adults. I felt its charm and the smile that came with it, remained with me afterwards.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Since Long

It’s been a really really long time since I have posted on my blog. I wonder why?
Today I sit comfortably at my home and feel the rumblings of my mind starting to move making slight creaky sounds. I will it to churn up something for me; it grumbles and complains that since long it hasn’t been asked to do anything, why this sudden demand?

Sudden demand? Well, I look back towards the slack period. To be frank, it can be called slack only for the absence of my posts otherwise it had been the most wonderful time in my life. Calling it just wonderful doesn’t cover it all.

I met my soul mate, my life partner, my friend, my confidant, my husband and so much more. Meeting him was the first thing that happened which was followed by numerous beautiful things and now “Life is Beautiful”. The courtship period is probably the most important time for every new couple. It is the base, the foundation on which our life starts laying the first bricks. It was beautiful and greatly delightful for both of us, it transpired our lives into a colorful rainbow, whose colors I am sure will last for the rest of our lives, it made us into what we are today, not just husband and wife, but so many facets of relationships which emerged and got strengthened as and when their need was felt. I just realized that I wrote a complete para and failed to mention the one important thing which hit us both with its beauty and tranquility, along with it, its breath taking feeling: “LOVE”. It’s the key ingredient that makes up a beautiful life, as my senses witness with my own life.

Moving forwards, I think my mind and I were so much full of thoughts about him that nothing else seemed to enter my mind. And now maybe that’s why I would have to hear the grumblings of my mind and slowly and steadily ask it to start chugging for me. It’s been long but not so long..