Tuesday 21 July 2009

Define - Being “Emotional”.

Last week proved to be really busy for me. As word “uncle-aunty” doesn’t really feel comfortable, I will use word “kaka-kaki” only ;-). So my Kaka, Kaki and two cousins were permanently going to US on Immigration. (Idea here is not to show my US connections ;-)) This may not a big news for all probably because:
1. Recession hit US
2. Today, most people even in India live in nuclear families where you are not so involved with your extended family. (But we are a “Joint Family”).

From baggage and package everything went well. The “Real” dilemma began when they started leaving for the airport. Including their friends and relatives, there were around 40 people. At this point I would like to mention some of the points:

• Whenever people come to see you for some of the reasons like this (Going abroad, getting good marks in exam etc. etc.) they give money to kids. I really don’t see any point doing this and I guess it is the same case from their side as well. There are many such other traditions where we don’t know the logic but doing in merely because of tradition. Rightly said by my friend “Outer Souls “ – ‘An old belief is like an old shoe. We so value its comfort that we fail to notice the hole in it.”. ( I know I am deviating from the topic, so coming back to second point ;) ).
• As everybody became free from the work, they realize they now have to leave their humble abode. This also indicates a very fact that at some point of time it becomes good to keep yourself busy to avoid negative thoughts and negative energy.

Let’s come back to the original point.
They started leaving and tears rolled in their eyes. (Especially Kaki – It is said girls are really very emotional (???)). Gradually everyone, one by one became part of the same category excluding me. (Again a funny note: sometimes people worry what if they will not be able to cry on such occasions – biding adieu to somebody, death of a person (not so close in most cases), “Bidai” of a girl, list is looooong… And generally such people who cries (honestly or dishonestly) are considered to be “Emotional” (which may be right also according to their definition).

I normally do not cry on such occasions (barring some – exception making ;) ). Some people say I am strong, some say I am quite “practical”. “Some” say “ I am not at all Emotional”. :-) Initially I didn’t like such comments. But then after I realize that they think this way only because my definition of “Emotional” is different from theirs.

According to me being emotional does not mean to weaken yourself when destiny temporarily separates you from your dear ones. It means to smile and circulate positive energy around. It makes the procedure easier. And if somebody is meeting you for the last time, he/she will carry an image of a smiling face with him/her and not a sad face. It may not be so easy, but what is the point in being sad when it is anyhow not going to make any difference. And if somebody is going for a better future, why not to say “Good-Bye” with a smiling face???

Honestly speaking it is not as easy as it seems, but this is the “win-win” situation. And as said by my friend “Inner souls” ;) – ‘People always come into your lives, they never go!’ Cherish the moments you have spent together. Go out of your way to help them. Lend an ear when they need it. Melt differences of time and space… That’s how I define “ Being Emotional”. :-)

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