Wednesday 22 July 2009

What are you carrying today?

Recently, a TATA photon+ advertisement was launched on television. It depicts a very creative idea, where in all kinds of people are asked by a narrating voice, ‘What are you carrying today?” and the voice itself answers. Finally it promotes its own product, saying that ‘Carry Speed with you’ with the High Speed USB Internet.

This was just an overview of the advertisement. What intrigued me was the question itself, “What are you carrying today?” And I thought, how, to this single question, there can be a huge lot of answers. To prevaricate more, I can easily say that the answer to the question could be different for every individual.

I know I am wasting the time, but I really can’t help speculating about the options with which the people can answer.
Am carrying a fancy handbag. ( That’s the most obvious and straight forward one. Does not let the mind think much)
Today’s my birthday. Am carrying happiness. (Genuine)
Am carrying hope today. Hope of reconciling with my friend. (There’s an emotional one)
Am carrying angst as I am unsure of today’s happenings. (hmm… this one’s heavy on the heart)
Am carrying my best friend today. (well, I actually took this idea from the ad, in which a guy is walking with his very ‘favourite’ guitar)
Am carrying a huge lot of nerves, as I am having my life’s first show on stage in front of an audience, but then there’s happiness too and confidence. So I guess I am carrying a blend :) (the sentence itself explains it all and I think ‘A BLEND’ will be the most used one. Well, anyone can share, if they think otherwise)
Am carrying myself, just me and nothing else. (This one’s too good to be true. How great it would be to be just yourself without any baggage.)
Am carrying time, whole lots of it (It feels like the person quoting this is indirectly saying: Come, meet me, we’ll have fun. I have all the time in the world)
Am carrying sportsmanship to the ground with me (That’s a neat answer. I guess, the opponents are lucky if their opponents are carrying sportsmanship)

After saying all this, my point is that there can be n number of answers to the Question in question. :)
(On a funny and ending note: a lady carrying a child, wouldn’t have to think much to answer the question. And what would a cloud say: Am carrying rain today. So beware, you are going to get drenched)

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