Tuesday 24 November 2009

A vicious circle

Today, the numbers of vehicles in any major city of India have gone up so drastically that the resulting impact is: poisonous fumes, green house effect which in turn triggers off global warming and a huge lot of problem related to congestion.

Like everyone else, the traffic woes I have are enormous. Being in Ahmedabad is almost the same to other metro cities when it comes to issues related to traffic. On the route that I travel daily through my two-wheeler, there is one circle which is so built or I don’t know whether I should call it designed that never, (Really never) is it free of congestion. The intersection in question is called ‘Dariapur Darwaja’. I can’t really describe about the number of roads it connects as there are many. People are coming from all sides and getting stuck in between. On top of all this, there is no signal there and neither there are any traffic cops manning the situation. Daily, the transport buses, the rickshaws, cars, two-wheelers, cycle carts, tempos and what not, get stuck. It takes almost half an hour to cross that single intersection.

I just hope that the municipal corporation takes some notice of that vicious circle and at least either install a signal there or keep permanent cops there. The journey which should have taken only 40 minutes, thanks to that circle, it takes an hour. The fumes I inhale or for that matter, anybody inhales, in that half an hour can cause our health severe damage. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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