Wednesday 27 January 2010

Eyes on the road

As I watched a scenic lone road passing by, I thought, in our busy lives, how little importance we give to the small yet great things coming our way. All we ever do is concentrate on final destinations. The tiny miniscule things that are capable of giving us satisfaction and happiness are lost somewhere in the hugeness of the broad picture we carry in our minds.

That radically different road reminded me of all things that should be paid attention to. It was just passing by, I could have just waited for the great destination that awaited me at the end of the journey yet I am glad I had my eyes on the road.

On the Edge

As I read through my recent blogs, I detected a similar quality in all of them. At least the latest two were saddening and distressing. There was no reason for me to speculate this; I already knew the situation that my inner most thoughts had taken a shape and had unconsciously poured out on to the paper.

I am facing a constant crisis in my life. I am unhappy, already distraught with worry and the panic is increasing, seconds ticking by. My life is like a bomb about to explode and like an active volcano already emitting some amount of lava, burning everything it touches, though the actual explosion is yet to happen. My life is on the edge of a precipice about to tumble to the other side.

There comes days that are blissful but they are so so short lived, they vanish in the blink of an eye. Neither I nor anyone else can help erase this constant darkness except God. I believe in him and I know he is listening, but I don’t know when will his magic work for me.

Some people might say that I am just not trying and only wallowing in grief and self pity. But I know how much I have tried and am still trying. This constant torture of my soul is one thing I am not able to handle. It is screaming, screeching for help but none seems to be forthcoming. I am unable to talk about it, share it and yet I can’t live like this.

I address God, the spirit that lives in all of us, the spirit that gives us energy, the one that protects us, the one that teaches us to differentiate between good and evil, the one that has the power to change the path of fate and destiny, I beg him to alter the current circumstances, to give me a lasting beautiful cloudless sunny morning.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Cheat Sheet!!!

Recently I am reading a book “Don’t lose your mind, lose your weight” by Rujuta Diwekar - celebrity fitness trainer and nutritionist. (Disclaimer: I do not want to lose my weight. I want to learn right habits and practices to be followed about meal) There she has used the concept of “Cheat Sheet”, whereby she has mentioned how to cheat on your diet. For example if you can not say “No” to your beloved chocolate pastries, then you can eat them, but make sure that this is the first thing you eat in the morning, that too only once a week. Why? Well, we will not discuss it here coz I will have to go in technicalities. The point is “Cheating”.

Cheating may not be a very positive word, but I wonder how well it helps up. We keep cheating most of the times. More than others, we cheat ourselves. No, Really!! Say for example:

You do not get something you wanted: a job, a project, a person… anything!! You may be down for a while, but what comes next to your mind? “That was not good for me” or “I will get something better” – Cheating.

You are upset and you go for shopping (Maahi’s way ;) ) or starts eating (kung fu panda :-P ). – Cheating.

You try to fill emptiness of life with money, work, sometimes also with music or some other art – Cheating.

Remember Aall Izz Well?? Yeh dil na, bada darpok hai,usko patana padta hai.. usse bolo all is well – Cheating.

Sometimes it also happens that turbulence of thoughts is going underneath and I manage to smile, just because I don’t want to make someone sad by letting him/her know that I am sad – Cheating.

To whom do we cheat? How important it is to cheat ourselves? Recently heard a beautiful song from “Ishqiya” - Dil to bachcha hai ji.. Dil sa koi kameena nahi.. :-)

So, good or bad - Keep cheating your heart… After all, it gives you so much troubles, it deserves this!!!

Friday 15 January 2010

All things need strengthening

It’s understandable that everyone meets new people, yet that hardly means that the old people should be forgotten or ignored. But what hurts the most is disinterest. And then what is the guarantee that the new person will never be ignored because someone else has come up.

The person doing this kind of thing (consciously or unconsciously) should at least give it a thought. So what if everything is happening unconsciously, a conscious thought needs to be given to this. Otherwise there’ll come a time, when it’s too late to do anything. A balance can easily be formed, but of course with effort and help.

Any relationship be it a working one, the one with a friend or a parent or a soul mate, needs working for it. An arrival of a new person may loosen the ties a bit, but it can be worked upon to strengthen them. The main part being, the interest, the zest, the need and the work should come from both sides. A single sided attempt just brings more hurt.

The loosened bonds shouldn’t be left in that state for a long time. They keep on unfolding and one day the ties are severed. As soon as this comes to light, action really needs to be taken.

And letting go of everything shared without an effort feels wrong and painful to such an extent as if your heart was ripped apart in two.

The worst feeling is when everything happens in front of your eyes. Distance soothes sometimes, however little.