Tuesday 12 April 2011

Delving into the human mind

The human mind is a curious mix. A single mind has billions of facets, a thousand different reactions for numerous different situations. There is so much we can do and yet we may be only using half of its capacity. Our premonitions, our instincts, our perceptions, the ever filling memory and still as sharp, the dreams and the reasons behind them, a legion of emotions and feelings, the mood swings and the energy and the unconscious behind, it’s all so overwhelming. It is sharp and fast, agile and clever.

We take it for granted and it never disappoints. Think about our lives without so many different aspects. What if, our mind was not equipped so much? Wouldn’t it have been a tad bit dull?

Whatever the origins of the human mind are considered, either the scientific evolution or the grace of the God, it is complex, intricate in its design and even after centuries of research, for the human, it still stands as the greatest unknown in our lives.

The human mind is so much interesting. One can observe it for years together and yet not get bored. In a collective way it is so much similar, the way the complete human tribe lives. It amazes to watch its intricate similarities amongst the billions of minds parting through the vast individual diversities. Most minds think alike, act alike, behave alike and yet there are the subtle changes in the way they do it. No two minds are completely similar and yet no two minds are colossally different.

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