Thursday 15 October 2009

All thanks to Technology…!!!

Yesterday in office, we had a heavy discussion on mobile computing. We were discussing some basics of the technology and were confused in some part of Mobile database stations. So I wanted to check it in a book which I had to study as a part of my syllabus during my engineering.

I still have kept all my books, even the tutorial files in my cupboard. Other than files and books, I have stored many precious things – every small gift presented to me by my friends, my drawings, crafts everything. These are some of the most beautiful memories of my life, most favorite things existing on the earth.

I can not think of losing any single thing at any cost. While I was searching for the book I found a small cute diary having flowery design on the cover page. As I could not remember what it is, it made me curious. I opened it and… oh! Telephone diary. A typical telephone diary having two alphabets on each page. I was supposed to write numbers of my friends in school (though I rarely used it, having a good number memory B) ).

This tiny diary made me think how things have changed today. We are so much dependent on our mobiles now. Earlier you had to dial numbers and you’ll remember it after dialing 3-4 times. Today you just need to store it once, i.e. only one person has to mention his/her number, will give missed call to other person. You’ll never have to check that number again once it is stored (Missed call is also a very interesting thing ;-) ). Moreover, no need to remember birthdays. just set birthday reminders. Somehow I feel in the whole procedure, the real charm is lost.

No doubt it has made life much easier, but a hand-made card touches heart more than an E-card. A letter is more appealing than a SMS. It reflects human emotions and expresses feelings beautifully. Today emotions have also become digital. No wonder, technology has made it cheaper and easier to keep in touch with dear ones who are away. But neither speakers nor web cameras can give a feeling which is even near to touch. We follow “Walk when you talk”, but can it compare a walk with a friend on a river front? Where you can read all the questions, fears or joys in your friend’s eye without saying a single word? And in chat… due to poor network connections, we miss some lines and misunderstandings take place… aaaaa.. it is so irritating.

Even though it fails to give 100% satisfaction, we can not overlook its advantages and something is better than nothing. Due to technology, we can instantly convey important messages and you don’t need to wait for long to execute your plans.

Techie things are like Maggie, you can instantly cook, tasty to eat and also satisfies hunger and letters, cards, walk, touch are “Chicken soup for the soul” :-).


  1. Some more things we miss - going to a library to find some relevant material, story books, etc, we simply google it now (to google is now an accepted verb!). Similarly, we dont use a dictonary any more but look to google or search on wikipedia, the meaning of a word.

    We dont use those big bulky overhead projectors (OHPs) anymore, but prefer the video projectors and ppts ...

    We dont go to shops to look, feel and then buy, but just look at stuff online and purchase it. Similarly, we dont stand in queues any more to buy a train ticket, but use

    And finally, we dont write diaries and personal journals anymore, we write blogs ...
