Wednesday 21 October 2009

Oh! Edward

Having read all the five books of the Twilight saga (the partial draft of midnight sun included), getting your mind away from Edward is kind of an impossible thing to do.

Liking Edward (I didn’t want to use a more stronger word J) has got only a little bit to do with looks. After seeing the first movie and Robert Pattinson in it, though he more or less fits the bill, the feeling didn’t go much deep. His looks, no doubt are very good, but when compared with ‘The Edward’, the author has described, has left me untouched. I had expected to be swept away and in the world that didn’t need much from me in the imagination department, as the things I have read, I was going to see them now. But, the movie left me unsatisfied as I am sure the same reaction was invoked in many other people.

The words ‘Oh Edward’ aren’t far away when reading the books. The most interesting part is that, they are completely involuntary. His nature, his characteristics, the way he takes care of everything, his expressions, his stubbornness of choosing the right thing for her, all these are the things that make him hot. I won’t deny that him being utterly handsome and his having out of the world beauty added so much that then the adjective ‘hot’ does not even come close to describing him.

There is probably not a single gal remaining who has read the Twilight saga and not fallen in love with Edward. It seems the guys would have to do quite a bit too much to match up to him. :D

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