Monday 28 December 2009

Underneath the moonlight

Sitting light,
Under the open sky
At night,
Watching the beautiful sky
A shooting star crossing by

For an instant
The whole world: illuminated
By the glitter, so greatest
Dazzling the eyes
With the beauty
The little star created

Underneath the moonlight
There’s magic & beauty in my sight
Gives a feeling of hope, so right
N for my dreams, the courage to fight.

Whatever the moonlight touches, it sparkles
Like silverware
Casting a glowing twinkle
In the night’s allure
At peace with my heart
Letting the negative smoke depart
I hug myself close
Lightheaded, I sing,

Underneath the moonlight
There’s magic & beauty in my sight
Gives a feeling of hope, so right
N for my dreams, the courage to fight.

Though the shadows are dark
They soothe me, like
We are one being & not apart
I imagine you by my side
And us fleeing into the night
No reason anymore to hide
Everything seems possible to me tonight

Underneath the moonlight
There’s magic & beauty in my sight
Gives a feeling of hope, so right
N for my dreams, the courage to fight.

Wishing for a Change

Today, here in our office some sitting position changes were undertaken for a part of our department. Well, as far as, their seats are considered, it’s all very good and arranged quite well (most of them sitting in a way that their PCs are facing the walls and nobody can peek into them out of curiosity or authority).

Though I wish to sit in such kind of position where I don’t have to worry about people staring at my LCD, but that’s not the one uppermost in my list of wishes. One of the top ones is that I wish for a similar change. Present scenario is that, any moment I get bored or want to have a talk or am feeling alone (though sitting amongst a crowd) or just feeling like having some good company, every time I have to go somewhere and seek it as the place I sit isn’t conducive to good talk owing to the people sitting around. I sometimes envy my friends (no offense meant towards them, I hope none is taken) who have desired people around them, making their day and then they get so used to sharing things with them.

I wish to have a place where I am around the people I connect with, am comfortable with and can easily talk to regardless of the topic. Or even a single such person would also do. Right now I feel stuffed and suffocated and desolate by having to sit mum all through the day, looking for times when I’ll get to have a chat and even then it takes time to get out of that desolate being. Of course these cases happen only on some days and not all, yet those some days are dreadful to pass.

I wish for a change if not this then another one. But something that will be for the good.

Friday 25 December 2009

3 Idiots: A must watch for every Non-Idiot! :-)

Finally we office friends made a plan for a movie.. Yipppppeeee!!! That too a premiere show on Thursday. All thanks to Dada (Gaurangitrate) & PreRajularisation (No, as such he has a very good name .. Rajesh ;) ) We all were bored from our office schedule and so very eagerly waiting for 6:30. We were around 16 people and occupied two middle rows of the theatre.

Now, let’s discuss about movie. Aamir khan has once again proved he is a genius, the perfectionist. Even at the age of 44, he perfectly looks like a college student. The base might have taken from Chetan Bhagat’s Novel ‘Five Point Someone’, but the storyline is very different.. and of course much better than the Novel.

This movie will remind you of your college days... best days filled with fun and friends. The mentality of students is captured so well. We were all like this. In the initial college days everybody is in a race of getting good marks and impress our professors. Where everybody thinks one who is getting the highest marks is the most intelligent and successful person in the world. Cut-throat competition and pressure on students is pictured so well. Some scenes will take your breath away and dialogs are just too good. For example when Farhan says: “Human Behaviour: Jab dost fail hota hai tab dukh hota hai, par jab woh first aata ho bahut jyada dukh hota hai!!!” :-D. All engineers will enjoy it to its best as they all were once part of it all. There is a series of scenes which will leave you burst out in laughter to get a heart attack but then we kept on reciting “Aaaaaal izzzzzzz Welllllllll”.

Apart from comedy, movie gives a very fabulous message in a very simple way: “Strive for Excellence, Follow your heart and Success will follow you”. It’s also an essence of my favorite book: The Fountain Head. World is full of second hander. Be a first hander: Carve your own path, Live on your own terms; this is the fountain head for Success.

There are many twists and turns and surprises in the movie, the climax is also one of the best climaxes, pictured on the beautiful locations of Laddakh (perfectly matching my dream island ;) :)) ). Last but not the least, the ultimate one “Jahapanah, tussi great ho..Tohfa kabool karo!!”.

We were all speechless. Do I need to say, Go watch it (if you haven’t) ????

Thursday 24 December 2009

Interesting Differences

There are some things that always elude us no matter how much we try to attain them. Such is my association with movies I wish to watch in theatres. The wish hardly comes true (sigh).

It’s not that I don’t go to theatres to watch movies. But the ones I go to watch aren’t the ones I wished to watch. For this, I think I can’t blame anyone else but me. I think I just don’t pursue and pester everyone enough. Recently, there took place an episode where I really wanted to watch that movie. But alas! The whole plan went awry. Whatever happens, the plan going wrong or disinterest, nevertheless, the end result is the same that I don’t get to go for that movie.

I just have one question, to whom that’s still confusion, why are my movie preferences so drastically different from everyone. By everyone, I mean my friends. Oh! I am in no way saying that I am utterly different and cool, but actually in contrast, am I abnormal in liking the things which my friends just pass it off without paying much attention. One of the side effects of this unnatural thing is our talks about movies and stuff are awkward (sometimes for me). I use the word awkward because, when I am talking about any movie, I stand out coz at that particular point of time, nobody else is contributing but me. And for most part, I feel like I am boring those people with my incessant chatter about my interests. And before anyone can contradict me, I’ll say, I am capable of reading human expressions. It’s not always good to stand out; at least sometimes I want to gel in and I don’t wanna bore people but still I want to let my words and thoughts go unrestricted. How to achieve these two contradicting things is the final question.

Monday 14 December 2009

Mirror, mirror: Tell me, who am I?

I am standing in front of the mirror, gazing intently at the person on the other side. I push my brain cells to recollect any memory of the person I was looking at. But there is none.

The first moment, I stood in front of the mirror; I could see and recognize that it was nobody else but me. The same me, the same traits and the same expressions. As time passed, the similarities decreased. I could hardly recognize the person I was seeing. What happened to the real me? The answer I deduced to the question that came up was I have “Changed”.

Change is the order of the world. We need to change according to the times. The circumstances change us for the best. I knew this, yet the change panicked me. As I see now, the change in me has occurred on the darker side. I realize the circumstances aren’t always glorious but are sometimes dark too, slowly edging us towards a precipice.

The person facing me is a stranger. She is angry, agitated and immensely irritated. She flares up at inopportune times, hurting our loved ones. She is unable to keep her emotions in check. And after all this, she is hit by a guilty conscience so huge, she moves onto a gloomy state and lapses into a silence and for how long, she herself doesn’t know. She sometimes feels that there is another person inside her trying to guide her and these silences are that other person’s work, so that she cannot hurt anyone further. That other person is the real me. I have always been calm, never reacting instantly and hardly ever angry. I take over for sometime. And then, all of a sudden, everything is bright.

Seeking an answer, I ask the mirror: who am I? What have I become? Will these timely and wise interventions by the real me stop eventually? Or will I be able to gather myself up again and shun these sinister traits? I don’t want to change, at least not for the worst. I want to hold on to the good things in me. These changes, I say, happened inadvertently. I never paid much attention. I thought that it was just a passing phase. But now it seems its here to stay. I was awakened by some of the recent appalling incidents. I am glad it did.

I am finding ways to retrace everything. I have a slight idea of what went wrong and what needs to be done, though it is going to be utterly difficult. The one thing I know will help me get through is the belief I have in myself. So now here starts my attempt at amendments.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Through the time glass

However hard we try to keep the past locked down, it crops up at an unexpected time winding us down in its depths. Reliving certain events gives so much pleasure. It lightens up the mood and makes us forget the present day strains.

I am roaming in my past enjoying and visiting its lanes which have given me so much, sculpting me as I am today. I feel nostalgic too as I explore, wanting just one more tryst with my past, wanting to live those wonderful days again.

I walk through the picturesque neighbourhood of my school. It is winter and I look at those foggy lanes with the dense trees swaying slightly to the breeze. It seems as if there is smoke everywhere, the sun hasn’t risen yet, and then I could make out the silhouettes of children on their bicycles. Excitedly I run towards my school and I see myself walking in through the great gate carrying a heavy bag on my shoulder. There are very few people on the school ground. I am talking to my friends about some movie and that’s when I look yearningly towards my friends. We were so young and innocent and we had sworn to be friends forever. I wish I could meet all my friends today right now, as if there was no time gap between our school days and now, forgetting our differences, the way we used to.

I go towards where our classes held. The brass bell standing in the middle in the shade of a huge banyan tree, the smell of damp earth due to sprinkling of water, birds chirping everywhere, squirrels crossing just a few feet from me, I look at all these wondrously enforcing this image in my mind, wanting never to forget it. I peer into my class, all of us sitting on stone benches obediently listening to the teacher. I can’t believe I was so obedient and not a naughty child. We were all scribbling furiously in our notebooks, once in a while we whispered to the friend sitting beside and then the teacher glared at us. I just stood there frozen in time, in those carefree days.

Traveling in time, inhaling deeply the essence of the forgotten past,
And painting its myriad hues on the canvas of my mind.

Today these are my fresh new eyes looking at the places, people and milestones differently. There were times I was angry, unsatisfied, rude and unforgiving. But now, I have calmed down and I banish all those negative thoughts from my mind. I am forgiving towards anyone against whom I held a grudge or anyone who hurt me in the past. This is a new day. I am accepting everything and moving forward.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Fire and Ice

I read this piece by Robert Frost and loved it and of course agreed with it too. I won’t add anything to this post and ruin the sheer pleasure of reading it.

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Charm Maestros

Every once in a while you meet people who are CHARMERS. With every soft syllable that falls from their lips and with every expression and every compliment they give you, you are charmed. At that moment of time, their power is such, (no idea, whether it comes naturally to them or it is an acquired talent) they give you no space to escape from them. It feels like you are literally caught in the magic.

Being charming really is an ensnaring quality, but definitely not in a bad way. I have a friend who is one of those. When I am with her, I have to try and keep my mind grounded instead of letting it wander away to the skies. I have met few guys who were charming as hell. When I observed them, it was as if, with almost no effort, people were in their pockets. I had to concentrate hard and not let myself be entranced. Besides, sometimes they have no knowledge that they are bewitching fishes, so innocent, yet there are times of course, when everything is done deliberately to trance. I wish I too could be a charm maestro. The feeling that you have an irresistible power is so heady.