Thursday 10 December 2009

Through the time glass

However hard we try to keep the past locked down, it crops up at an unexpected time winding us down in its depths. Reliving certain events gives so much pleasure. It lightens up the mood and makes us forget the present day strains.

I am roaming in my past enjoying and visiting its lanes which have given me so much, sculpting me as I am today. I feel nostalgic too as I explore, wanting just one more tryst with my past, wanting to live those wonderful days again.

I walk through the picturesque neighbourhood of my school. It is winter and I look at those foggy lanes with the dense trees swaying slightly to the breeze. It seems as if there is smoke everywhere, the sun hasn’t risen yet, and then I could make out the silhouettes of children on their bicycles. Excitedly I run towards my school and I see myself walking in through the great gate carrying a heavy bag on my shoulder. There are very few people on the school ground. I am talking to my friends about some movie and that’s when I look yearningly towards my friends. We were so young and innocent and we had sworn to be friends forever. I wish I could meet all my friends today right now, as if there was no time gap between our school days and now, forgetting our differences, the way we used to.

I go towards where our classes held. The brass bell standing in the middle in the shade of a huge banyan tree, the smell of damp earth due to sprinkling of water, birds chirping everywhere, squirrels crossing just a few feet from me, I look at all these wondrously enforcing this image in my mind, wanting never to forget it. I peer into my class, all of us sitting on stone benches obediently listening to the teacher. I can’t believe I was so obedient and not a naughty child. We were all scribbling furiously in our notebooks, once in a while we whispered to the friend sitting beside and then the teacher glared at us. I just stood there frozen in time, in those carefree days.

Traveling in time, inhaling deeply the essence of the forgotten past,
And painting its myriad hues on the canvas of my mind.

Today these are my fresh new eyes looking at the places, people and milestones differently. There were times I was angry, unsatisfied, rude and unforgiving. But now, I have calmed down and I banish all those negative thoughts from my mind. I am forgiving towards anyone against whom I held a grudge or anyone who hurt me in the past. This is a new day. I am accepting everything and moving forward.

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