Wednesday 2 December 2009

Charm Maestros

Every once in a while you meet people who are CHARMERS. With every soft syllable that falls from their lips and with every expression and every compliment they give you, you are charmed. At that moment of time, their power is such, (no idea, whether it comes naturally to them or it is an acquired talent) they give you no space to escape from them. It feels like you are literally caught in the magic.

Being charming really is an ensnaring quality, but definitely not in a bad way. I have a friend who is one of those. When I am with her, I have to try and keep my mind grounded instead of letting it wander away to the skies. I have met few guys who were charming as hell. When I observed them, it was as if, with almost no effort, people were in their pockets. I had to concentrate hard and not let myself be entranced. Besides, sometimes they have no knowledge that they are bewitching fishes, so innocent, yet there are times of course, when everything is done deliberately to trance. I wish I too could be a charm maestro. The feeling that you have an irresistible power is so heady.

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